In response to the continued lockdown restrictions, ThisWeekinFM is supporting the Workplace & Facilities Management community by keeping professionals informed and connected through a range of activity.
As the leading online news platform in the sector, our website has seen over 150,000 visitors since lockdown began and we’re proud that our readers continue to turn to us as a trusted news source.
As a digital service, we are in the privileged position of being able to continue our operation with little disruption. We use our platform to continue to provide quality editorial content on a range of topics, but as the COVID-19 pandemic continues to dominate our screens and minds, we will also be taking several steps to manage related content including:
- Keeping relating information accurate and up to date and removing any harmful or misleading comments about COVID-19 from our social platforms
- Exploring a range of additional digital experiences to keep the industry connected
- Offering support services to redistribute resources
As our website visitors grow daily, we will enable brands to connect to our engaged audiences in the facilities management, workplace, and built environment community during a time when other contact is limited.
To stay connected with peers and the ThisWeekinFM team, plus catch all our latest content first, check out our social activity through our Digital Connection Hub, where you can choose the channel that best suits you.
Check Out The Digital Connection Hub Here
A variety of digital connection initiatives are available during the lockdown period, from interactive seminars to networking sessions. ThisWeekinFM has compiled an overview of digital experiences for the FM and Workplace community in our Events Listings. Other resources that may prove useful follow.