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Data Is Power In Planning


Are you maximising the planning power of data when training your people, and demonstrating compliance?

Defined as “acts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis” data provides a huge range of benefits for today’s businesses, and we look at how UhUb’s reporting facilitates that. UhUb adds “from analysis comes insight, planning and action, which in turn creates new data”. Just one report or set of data can produce insights that can positively influence planning across business-critical areas, but action must be taken.

With significant benefits for the industry, and to help those who perhaps do not know where to start or what to do with data beyond ‘seeing the interesting’, we wanted to understand how the data UhUb provides is being effectively used by their Client Community.

UhUb, a cleaning industry education platform, captures training statistics across the whole workforce in real time allowing service providers to see how their staff are being trained. This benefit alone is high impact and ensures training standards are raised significantly across a workforce. This whole-workforce approach, with data reporting, is raising standards across the industry business by business and is far more effective than the ‘scatter gun’ approach of person by person, or tender by tender. It is certainly miles apart from ‘train a few claim the lot’.

Clear demonstrability with stakeholders such as service-users and accreditors like ISO’s and B-Corp is a huge benefit. ‘Live’ reporting allows businesses to demonstrate what training is carried out, when and to what level. These insights foster transparency which helps businesses create trust, a dynamic that is vital in building successful relationships internally and externally.

Joining UhUb in 2019, Regular Cleaning have implemented much change and love that they can now demonstrate training across the business for over 40 subjects and disciplines. One high value area is the tender process where Regular can provide data driven evidence that a range of training is carried out including cleaning skills, soft skills, leadership skills and even HQ system training. They even see increased engagement from their clients around what having UhUb means, and the importance of the data it produces.




“Demonstrable training is now expected and if you don’t deliver this, potential clients are not going to consider you. Being able to show all the training including the training that’s over and above the mandatory training is where UhUb really supports us, and it makes a big impact!”
Gemma Bowers
Chief People and Culture Officer at Regular Cleaning.

UhUb has transformed how Regular develops and delivers training, and like many in the community they are developing new aspirations as UhUb itself develops. Another significant benefit has been the impact on career planning. UhUb allows for both career and non-career minded to succeed, whilst treating all learners as career focussed, and UhUb reports show which colleagues are engaging fully and want to create a career in cleaning. It’s assisting the business to benchmark for things like performance scoring and promotions. This ability to resource plan and support people helps save time and money and builds morale & engagement. Today when planning, UhUb is the tool that helps drive the conversations.

DOC Cleaning, another of UhUb’s community, has seen significant benefits with onboarding and developing staff. To instil and maintain high staff motivation DOC, make use of data reporting during employee inductions and reviews, and monthly management meetings, where regional performance is monitored, and best practice shared.

DOC understand and appreciate the impact of data they have access to, as prior to UhUb training records were kept locally on site with copies for audits scanned and sent to HQ, a laborious process. Today reports are ‘at a tap’ and seeing how engaged staff are is immediate.

“It was incredibly well received and the ability to give the teams access to the messaging function and a range of documents as well as the training has helped them to feel more engaged with the business. We really care about their development within the company, and this is a huge tool to help us achieve that!” Jamie Bull, Financial Director at DOC Cleaning.

UhUb clients really do engage with data reporting, so much so they consistently ask for new data and measurements, confident UhUb can provide it, particularly if there is a wider benefit to all. Such requests for new data and reporting leads to exciting new thinking around training and coming soon will be UhUb’s ‘Closed Loop Learning Project’, where training becomes a circular process not linear.




We all know that data is more readily available today, and companies have more opportunity and reasons to use it. But beware of ‘Data washing’. Data is only useful and meaningful if the whole process of review, insight, plan, act, repeat, is followed. If not, it is merely interesting, assuming of course it exists at all.

UhUb says “If data is claimed as part of a service, whether training or anything else, ask to see a live, in system example, but heads up, a spreadsheet isn’t it.”

Whether it’s to inform decision making, develop effective risk mitigation, enhancing stakeholder engagement, or positively develop people and services, never has data been more prevalent or its power and benefits more relevant, but how it’s used, or not as the case may be, is what makes the difference.

UhUb don’t claim to be experts to whom you must sit and listen, but instead use data to look at individual and collective experiences in their Community, and their impact, to better understand needs, active trends, and direct discussion when exploring new ideas and aspirations and therefore UhUb’s direction of development.

Stephen Goodall MD @ UhUb says; “Without data there is no do. It’s just ‘say so’.” With it you can not only demonstrate but create true engagement, not just with a system, although that obviously matters, but between the whole business and all its stakeholders. Remember though, that data is not just about seeing or policing people, it’s about understanding people or services and then using that understanding to better serve, encourage and develop. By planning training with data you can educate, communicate, reward and recognise in a way that enables real loyalty and a sense of belonging. That’s power in planning!’

In just 20 minutes UhUb could change the way you think about training forever.

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