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Power Plants - Making Energising Plans Blossom

serenataflowers will flog you flowers for your office or the home
30 May 2019 | Updated 03 June 2019

An online florist has identified 10 plants that possess qualities that can improve health and wellbeing and increase productivity in the office.

The good folk at reckon having plants in the office increases worker productivity by 15%. a spokesperson said: "Not only are plants found to reduce stress and fatigue whilst aiding memory retention, they also regulate humidity and reduce carbon dioxide, both of which help employees remain energised.

"Bamboo Palm is known for its ability to fight indoor air pollution, promoting clear-thinking and easy breathing. Another top office plant is Golden Pothos which removes air toxins and absorbs unpleasant smells – the perfect plant to keep by the office fridge." ( Or the gents' toilet.)


Reduce anxiety

Lucia Polla, the online florist's marketing manager then said: "Mental health is a big topic of discussion at the moment. An easy way to improve your mood and help reduce anxiety in the workplace is to fill your office with plants. Lavender is known for its stress-relieving qualities - it slows down the heart rate and lowers blood pressure to greatly reduce stress. This is why its scent can often be found in lotions and sprays. Snake Plant is also believed to reduce anxiety, improve respiratory problems and cure the symptoms of a headache." (Is that where Snake Oil comes from?)


Clean the air

Polla continued: "Removing harmful toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene will keep both you and your office happy and healthy. Rubber Plant and Peace Lilies are both incredibly effective at purifying the air around you. Rubber Plants are great for removing harmful toxins, particularly formaldehyde. And these plants become more efficient at cleaning the air as time goes on. Peace Lilies are also believed to improve air quality by as much as 60 per cent and true to their name, bring with them a sense of peace and relaxation which will help you remain focused."   


Repel critters

Mint and Basil can be used to keep creepy crawlies and unwanted pests at bay - though Rentokil may disagree. Polla asserted: "Mint is known to repel lots of insects including mosquitoes due to its strong smell – it can even keep mice away. Another great insect repellent is Basil, which can be planted around doors and windows to keep bugs from entering your office space."


Time for bed

And when people get home, flower power can still help them from not going to pot said Polla: "Not getting enough sleep can have a huge impact on the quality of your work and your ability to problem solve. Whether you struggle to drift off or are easily disturbed in the night, keeping a potted Aloe Vera plant beside your bed could help you see the night through, as it produces oxygen at night to combat insomnia and improve overall sleep quality. Jasmine flower is also believed to reduce anxiety levels which in turn will help you drift off to sleep."

Picture: will flog you flowers for your office or the home.

Article written by Brian Shillibeer | Published 30 May 2019


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