16 October 2020 | Updated 02 December 2020
Last night saw The Planet Mark hold its 2020 virtual awards ceremony, recognising businesses committed to making a difference through their own sustainable journeys.
Sponsored by Prologis UK, winners were named across 13 categories of awards, classified into four themes aligned with The Planet Mark certification structure: measure, engage, communicate, and overall.
The awards recognise the work undertaken by businesses during their reporting period of 2019 to cut their carbon footprint, engage with their employees and communicate their achievements, inspiring others to embark on their own sustainability pathways.
The entries were reviewed by four judging criteria: culture (how embedded is the work?), impact (what were the results, reach and effectiveness when compared to the objectives?), transformation (going above and beyond – how transformative was the initiative?), and delivery (how was it managed through process, productivity and systems?).
One of the notable winners from the facilities management sector was A & E Fire and Security, who won the award for Absolute Carbon Reduction, with a 42.7 per cent reduction.
"Your commitment to sustainability and your passion to measure, engage and communicate with your employees, supply chain and wider communities mean our common goal to build a better greener future is in safe hands."
–Steve Malkin
CEO and Founder, The Planet Mark
The judges were:
- Sarah Gillett, Chief Operating Officer of The Planet Mark.
- Steve Malkin, CEO and Founder of The Planet Mark.
- Dan Ryan, leader of The Eden Project’s Sustainability MSc.
- Louise Scott, Director leading the coordination of PwC’s Global Sustainability Network.
- Matt Sexton, Chief Strategy Officer of Futerra.
Steve Malkin, CEO and founder of The Planet Mark, commented: “We have a constantly growing community of amazing organisations who share common values for sustainability, a positive ethos and a desire to create social value. There is much to celebrate in these, our third awards, for holders of The Planet Mark.
“Achieving The Planet Mark is an award in its own right, so for those organisations registering entries, you have gone well beyond the demands of our certification. It means that those shortlisted here have done something truly extraordinary.
“And for those that are Highly Commended and the few that have won an award, you can feel rightly proud. Your commitment to sustainability and your passion to measure, engage and communicate with your employees, supply chain and wider communities mean our common goal to build a better greener future is in safe hands.”
The Planet Mark certification recognises continuous improvements in sustainability, encourages action, and builds an empowered community of like-minded individuals. With building and construction accounting for just under 40 per cent of global carbon emissions, Lara Shear from The Planet Mark recently wrote about how the construction industry must step up to help achieve our collective net-zero goals.
Picture: a photograph of Steve Malkin
Measurement Awards
As part of The Planet Mark, measurement of data is rigorous so businesses can report their progress with confidence and authenticity. Under this category, there were three awards: Absolute Carbon Reduction; Carbon Reduction by Intensity, and Data Quality and Collection. Companies were entered automatically into this category based on their carbon footprint results.
- Absolute Carbon Reduction, sponsored by Circular Ecology, was won by A & E Fire and Security with a 42.7 per cent reduction. The award was presented by Craig Jones of Circular Ecology.
- Finalists were: Abbey Business Interiors, A & E Fire and Security and Ecoprod.
- Carbon Reduction by Intensity was won by Goodman Logistics Development with a reduction of 50.9 per cent per employee. The award was presented by Lilly Miller, CFO of The Planet Mark.
- Finalists were: Goodman Logistics Development and The Furniture Practice.
- Data Quality and Collection, sponsored by Crowdfunder.co.uk, was won jointly by Greenzone and Homerton NHS Trust, both with a score of 95 per cent. The award was presented by Jonathan Withey, Head of Business Development at The Planet Mark.
- Finalists were: Greenzone, Homerton NHS Trust and St Monica Trust.
Special mention was also made to Arram Berlyn & Gardner, Goodman, MediaCom North, and Womble Bond Dickinson, which made the biggest improvements to data quality in 2019.
Engage Awards
- Employee Engagement, sponsored by The Eden Project, was won by Rowlinson Knitwear for its extended engagement with its employees and suppliers’ employees. The award was presented by Dave Harland of The Eden Project.
- Finalists were: Bourne Leisure, Incubeta UK and Rowlinson Knitwear.
- Community Engagement, sponsored by Womble Bond Dickinson, was won by SP Energy Networks for its ambition and scale, and massive transformation and impact. The award was presented by Mathew Swift of Womble Bond Dickinson.
- Highly Commended was awarded to Rentokil Initial for addressing an immediate and burning issue quickly and getting back into its own communities.
- Finalists were: Rentokil Initial, SP Energy Networks and Uhub Ltd.
- Supply Chain Engagement, sponsored by Cool Earth, was won by GLP for its coordination of a huge amount of materials and a vast number of suppliers, creating longevity to its impact and enabling it to achieve significant results for many years in the future. The award was presented by Lauren Howard of Cool Earth.
- Highly Commended was awarded to Impress Print Services for its unique communication strategy and innovative vegan printing methods.
- Finalists were: GLP, Impress Print Services, The Marketing Store.

Picture: an image from a previous awards ceremony, showing two people with an award taking a selfie with a smartphone
Communicate Awards
- Sustainability Transparency, sponsored by JustOne, was won by Commercial for the range of different ways it has engaged with its stakeholders and for producing a very impressive report. The award was presented by Dave Carlos from JustOne.
- Highly Commended was awarded to bartlett mitchell for its refreshing and open approach to reporting.
- Finalists were: bartlett mitchell, Commercial, Digital Detox.
- Sustainability Campaign, sponsored by Design by Structure, was won by Stephen George + Partners for its impressive campaign that is creating a wave of generational change. The award was presented by Jesse Swash of Design by Structure.
- Finalists were: Stephen George + Partners, TBT Marketing Ltd, The Royal Warrant Holders Association.
- Sustainability Influencer, sponsored by Delta-Simons, was won by Louis Beaumont from Hive Cleaning for his high impact in delivering results and for weaving sustainability into his business model. The award was presented by Alex Ferguson of Delta-Simons.
- The finalists were: Louis Beaumont, Hive Cleaning, Philippa Birch-Wood, Chetwoods, Russell Blunt, City & Essex.
Overall Awards
These awards recognise companies’ overall achievements and celebrate outstanding individuals and businesses in The Planet Mark community.
- Personal Achievement, sponsored by SK Consulting & Investment, was won by Mark Bird of Childbase for his impressive influence on a business that is leading in its sector. The award was presented by Stephen Kirk of SK Consulting & Investment.
- Finalists were: Graeme Munro, GLP, Mark Bird, Childbase, Rebecca Wilson, Ingram Valley GB.
- Best Newcomer, sponsored by Institute of Directors, was won by Bourne Leisure for its exceptional engagement with its employees and communications to its wider community. The award was presented by Jon Geldart from the Institute of Directors.
- Finalists were: Bourne Leisure, Ingram Valley, Stephen George + Partners.
- Best Company, sponsored by Prologis UK, was won by Rowlinson Knitwear for the scale of what it does as a B Corporation and its work with its supply chain. The award was presented by Simon Cox of Prologis UK.
- Finalists were: DP World London Gateway, Rowlinson Knitwear, Womble Bond Dickinson
- Kindness is Contagious was won by Bidfood following the people’s choice award. The award was presented by Sarah Gillett of The Planet Mark.
- Finalists were: Bidfood, Bourne Leisure, Fooditude, Restore Harrow Green.
- Achiever recognises and celebrates five companies which have held The Planet Mark for five years, demonstrating relentless cutting of carbon over a significant period of time and true commitment to going above and beyond to achieve carbon savings and addressing the climate crisis.
- The Achievers are: Commercial, DP World London Gateway, Equip4Work Ltd, HFW and The Royal Warrant Holders Association.
Picture: a photograph from a previous The Planet Mark Awards
Article written by Ella Tansley | Published 16 October 2020
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