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Electing Ambitious Change – The US Election

Electing Ambitious Change – The US Election
23 November 2020

Claire Walmsley-Moss comments on Joe Biden and Kamala Harris’s winning campaign goal to put the US on the path to carbon-free electricity production by 2035.

Walmsley-Moss is The Planet Mark’s Head of Marketing. Based on her passion for the natural world, she is fuelled by her desire to bring real change to the world and the communities within it. Walmsley-Moss brings her extensive experience to putting processes and systems in place to direct growth and raise the company’s profile. She believes in the power and potential we all have to transform our planet for the better.


“It’s not too late to start on the journey, but we can all go faster if we view 2030 as a visible milestone on that road.  And with president-elect Joe Biden recommitting to the climate change agenda, change for the better is looking more promising than ever.“


Transformational Change is Needed now, and it Needs to be Audacious


With Joe Biden becoming president-elect all the signs are that climate change will, once again, move to the top of the agenda for the new administration next year.

Undoubtedly, the promise that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have campaigned on, to commit to a two trillion-dollar climate investment over the next four years, is potentially a very positive step forward.

The goals to put the US on the path to carbon-free electricity production by 2035 and carbon neutrality by 2050 are certainly welcomed, and their pledge to reconnect with the Paris Agreement are to be applauded.

Consistent IPC Reports state that the current carbon imbalance is continually rising, and the forthcoming AR6 Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis sixth working group assessment report is expected to be finalised in April 2021.  The findings are likely to make grim reading.

Transformational change is needed now, and it needs to be audacious. The Planet Mark is addressing this requirement to achieve net-zero carbon by 2030 as many businesses acknowledge they need to act as fast as possible and may have a target but don’t necessarily know how to get there.

Through The Planet Mark’s ZeroBy30 programme, they are able to help companies fast track their goals by providing a net-zero carbon roadmap tailored to their carbon emission challenges and assist them in developing an achievable plan to put into action.


The Decade of Action


With the likes of McDonald’s calling for its entire supply chain to align its emissions targets with its own, now more than ever companies should take a look at the opportunities that are out there to assist them with their activation.

Net zero carbon by 2030 is ambitious but it is achievable if more companies – large and small – accelerate from incremental to transformational climate action by developing commercially viable, action-oriented programmes that embrace social values to reach net zero carbon in a decade of action.  They will also realise that by doing so they will unlock many benefits.  According to, "By 2025, three-quarters of the UK’s working population will be millennials that want to buy from companies that have a purpose beyond their products and services."

It has been proven that business generation, employee retention and attraction, cost savings and reputational enhancement are the positive consequences of a commercially robust, actionable roadmap that also embeds social justice within its proposals and integrates with business’ overall strategy.

It’s not too late to start on the journey, but we can all go faster if we view 2030 as a visible milestone on that road.  And with president-elect Joe Biden recommitting to the climate change agenda, change for the better is looking more promising than ever. 

Picture: A photograph of Claire Walmsley-Moss

Article written by Claire Walmsley-Moss | Published 23 November 2020


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