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SFG20 Launches Online Tool to Help FMs Estimate Maintenance Costs

SFG20 Launches Online Tool to Help FMs Estimate Maintenance Costs
20 April 2023

A digital tool to help facilities managers accurately price the specific maintenance requirements of any building has been launched by SFG20.

The SFG20 Resource modeller is intended to help cut long-term operating costs, meet low carbon targets, and ensure equipment performs well for its full intended operating life.


“The complexity of estimating maintenance, particularly in large commercial new builds or refurb projects, has defeated many project teams. However, the financial and environmental impact can be colossal particularly as around 80 per cent of the total cost of a building is accounted for during its operational life.”

– Paul Bullard

Product Director, SFG20


Using a building’s details, such as its location, internal floor area and asset list, the tool creates a bespoke maintenance plan and maintenance schedule. It also gives FMs the necessary data to explain their estimates to clients and defend expenditure. The tool complies with the RICS new rules of measurement (NRM) and gives users access to a central hub of maintenance schedules and checklists to help ensure each building project is compliant with UK legislation.  

The tool has been recognised as one of the top facilities management innovations in the past 12 months by voters in the 2023 Tomorrow’s FM Awards.

SFG20 Product Director Paul Bullard said: “The complexity of estimating maintenance, particularly in large commercial new builds or refurb projects, has defeated many project teams. However, the financial and environmental impact can be colossal particularly as around 80 per cent of the total cost of a building is accounted for during its operational life.”

“Using floor area as a rule of thumb is usually little better than guesswork, particularly in multi-use buildings and specialist facilities where operating and occupancy patterns can be difficult to predict. This often leaves the building operator with an expensive legacy.

“The need for a tool that can eliminate much of that guesswork has been there for some time and we were delighted to be able to bring Resource Modeller to the market.”

Picture: photograph of three people in discussion, all wearing protective hard hats. Image Credit: Unsplash

Article written by Ella Tansley | Published 20 April 2023


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